Meditation Pods

Online Meditation Support Groups

Would you love to meditate regularly?
but need more Support:
To keep inspired,
To keep your good intentions going and
Get clarity when things get foggy?

Would you like to join a regular small supportive group
Where you can feel part of a heart-based community and
Safely share experiences and challenges?

Join one of our Meditation Pods, where you will be part of a small friendly group of like-minded people.  Maddie will include a short guided meditation and then facilitate a time afterwards for everyone, so you have the opportunity to safely share about how to keep motivated, what gets in the way and to share experiences and inspirations.

Get the Support you need to have a helpful regular meditation practice in your life

Pods of dolphins and other sea creatures
travel together for
Support and Companionship
That is why we call these groups Meditation Pods!

Online Meditation Support Groups

What Happens in our online Meditation Support Groups?

Join a Pod to meet for about 60 minutes at the same time each week
with the same people for 6 weeks at a time
Each group has only 8 people or less

All the sessions happen on Zoom, but no need for any special programmes or equipment other than a simple computer or smart-phone.
Maddie starts each session with a half-hour guided meditation followed by a non-judgemental open hearted sharing space that  follows a special format so that everyone has the opportunity to feel heard and supported with empathy and compassion.

No need to worry about feeling not-good-enough or not as experienced as everyone else, as the idea of the group is to encourage inspiration and caring community to support everyone’s individual meditation practice

These groups are open to any personal meditation practices – no need to be the same as anyone else.

If you are new to meditation or want to start again, do see our friendly Beginners Online Meditation Courses!

2025 Meditation Support Pod Dates:

New Pod Groups can start anytime, so just let me know using the form below what day and time might suit you best.
The whole 6 week Pod Group costs anywhere between £36 and £54 (£6 to £9 per session) – just pay what you can.

Currently there are 2 brand new 6 week groups starting on:
either: Wednesdays, starting 5th March 2025 at 7.30pm
or: Thursdays, starting 18th March 2025 at 7.30pm

Other groups will then be formed over time where needed.
Do fill in the form below to let me know of your interest and when might suit you best
and I look forward to welcoming you to a Meditation Pod soon.
Also do subscribe to our newsletter to be kept up to date with news.

Heartspring Courses

It’s often easier and more powerful to meditate with others, whether in person or remotely via Zoom

Our services are offered as a support on your spiritual journey. We do not offer medical or therapeutic advice. Always ask your doctor or health practitioner for their advice before making any changes

For more information fill in the form below (no obligation) for your free place.
Or just Contact Us.

Meditation Pods Support Enquiry

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